Note: Only one submission per business

Doing Good
We’re recognizing businesses who know that doing good is good for business. They’ve gone above and beyond to help others and recent events have amplified their focus on the good. They may have changed their products or services, or developed new ones, because of COVID-19. These businesses pride themselves on supporting others, making their communities stronger, and investing in a better Canada.
 1.  What initiatives, products, or services do you offer to do good? Did you introduce a new initiative to help others during the pandemic? Or were you able to    leverage an existing offering? (Maximum 200 words)
 2.  Demonstrate how your business works to benefit others locally, regionally, or nationally. (Maximum 200 words)
 3.  What inspired you to do good during the pandemic? (Maximum 200 words)
Offline to Online 
These businesses have shifted or adapted their business model. They’ve moved from brick and mortar to e-commerce, added new revenue streams, adjusted their marketing tactics, or transformed their business for the digital age. They’ve evolved to adjust for continued growth in light of dramatic and permanent shifts in the behaviours and expectations of their customers.
 1. How did your business model have to evolve during the course of the pandemic? (Maximum 200 words)
 2. Describe the specific tactics you developed to introduce these changes to your business. (Maximum 200 words)
 3. How did you inform your customers and community of these changes? (Maximum 200 words)
Weathered the Storm
These businesses are working day in and day out to keep the lights on, showing they have what it takes to persevere and overcome the challenges they face. They’re thinking two steps ahead and navigating whatever comes their way, with grit, determination, and heart. Throughout the pandemic, they’ve maintained their never quit attitude for their employees, customers, and community. They are forging through the trenches and coming out the other side.
 1.  What hard decisions did you have to make to keep the lights on? (Maximum 200 words)
 2.  How did you communicate the impact to your employees and customers? (Maximum 200 words)
 3.  Given the impact of the pandemic was immediate, were there times you thought your business would not survive? How did you handle the uncertainty?   (Maximum 200 words)